NOTE: ===== This Demo Version of BroPlus 2.41 has no feature limitations, but will time out 5 minutes after startup. After time-out, it can be restarted any number of times. This executable was built using Clipper version 5.20c. It is a Protected Mode executable created with EXOSPACE, and has built-in access to: - Clipper's NTX index files (incl. 5.2 extensions) and DBT memos through DBFNTX driver, using standard (backwards compatible) index locking - DBase III NDX index files and DBT memos through DBFNDX driver - DBase IV MDX index files and DBT memos through DBFMDX driver - Comix's CMX/PCB index files through Loadstone's DBFCMX driver - FoxBase+/FoxPro IDX/CDX index files & FPT memos, including SuccessWare's index and memo extensions, through SIx Driver - SIXCDX flavor, using Clipper compatible Record/File locking - NSX index files & SMT memos, including SuccessWare's index and memo extensions, through SIx Driver - SIXNSX flavor - FlexFile data using the FlexFile API interface. As a protected mode application, it requires a 80286 computer or higher, with at least 2MB of RAM. You may use it to view/edit your own data files, or explore the databases and supporting files included with this demo. For demonstration of some advanced features of BroPlus, it is recommended that you restore the view files (*.BRO) that are part of this demo. For a Quick Start: ================== - create a directory on your Hard Disk ( e.g. C:\BROPLUS ) - change to the new directory - copy the BroPlus Demo Disk into this directory - type BRODEMO on the DOS Prompt to selfextract BroPlus - modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: - add the directory where BRO.EXE is located to your PATH statement - add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file SET BRO= where: == directory where Global Settings File BRO.INI is saved to / restored from e.g.: SET BRO=C:\BROPLUS - make sure the FILES setting in your CONFIG.SYS file is high enough - reboot your Computer - type BRO on the DOS Prompt ============================================================================= Here are some guidelines on how to use this demo: Three database files are provided: TESTNTX.DBF - has an attached DBT file (TESTNTX.DBT), an attached .DBV file (TESTNTX.DBV, to store FlexFile Data), and 3 NTX files: TESTAGE.NTX, TESTNAME.NTX, TSTSTATE.NTX. To successfully open this DBF, the DBFNTX driver must be in control. Before opening, press , select "Default Database Driver", choose "DBFNTX", select "Default Index Extension", enter ".NTX". Next, press , select "Database Selection", pick "TESTNTX.DBF". To open the index files, press , select "Index Selection", then choose any or all of the belonging .NTX files. TESTSIX.DBF - has an attached FPT file (TESTSIX.FPT), and 3 Index files: TESTSIX.CDX (structural, compound index), TSTSTATE.IDX (non-compound index), and TSTSXRYO.IDX ("Roll Your Own" Index). To successfully open this DBF, the DBFSIX driver must be in control. Before opening, press , select "Default Database Driver", choose "DBFSIX", select "Default Index Extension", enter ".IDX". Next, press , select "Database Selection", and pick "TESTSIX.DBF". The structural index is automatically opened with the database. To select a specific tag within the structural index, press , select "Tag information/selection", then select any of the tags in the list. To open any of the .IDX index files, press , select "Index Selection". then choose any or both of the available .IDX files. STATES.DBF - has no attached Memo file, and can therefore be opened either under "DBFNTX", or under "DBFSIX". Depending on the controlling driver, either open STATES.NTX or STATES.IDX as index for this DBF. Restoring a view from a predefined View file: To restore a view, either type from the DOS command line: BRO /V or, from the Bro+ interface, press , then select "Restore View" and pick one of the offerings. Four view files are included with this demo: NTXRELAT.BRO and SIXRELAT.BRO both demonstrate the relational paradigm in a Split screen format. The child database (TESTNTX.DBF or TESTSIX.DBF) will move in sync with movement of the record pointer in the parent database (STATES.DBF). MIXRDD.BRO also uses the split screen format, to show in one window TESTNTX.DBF (under DBFNTX control), in the other window TESTSIX.DBF (under DBFSIX control). SIXRYO.BRO shows how a database (TESTSIX.DBF) can be open in two areas at a time, by using a different Alias name for each area. The primary area in the upper window is under control of the full index, the secondary area has the "Roll Your Own" index open. To add a key from the primary index to the RYO index, press from the desired record, and watch the record being added to the Browse screen in the RYO area. To drop a key from the RYO index, press to select the RYO area, and press on the key to be dropped. You can navigate through the Menu system, to explore and modify the settings for these views, or you can create your own views by pressing and selecting "Save current View". At any time you may press to read Context sensitive Help. As you get more familiar with BroPlus, you may start using Hot-keys instead of going through the Menu system. Let me repeat: This demo let's you do everything that the production version allows. You may create or modify databases, create indexes, add tags to or delete tags from a CDX, etc. It is only limited by a time-out after 5 minutes. For more information, read BROGUIDE.TXT ============================================================================= You can contact us on CompuServe or by phone: SmartCode Programming phone 818-710-9323 22323-6 Sherman Way fax 818-710-9391 Suite 185 BBS 818-986-5781 West Hills, CA 91303 CIS 73760,1102 BroPlus is also available through Programmer's Warehouse phone 800-323-1809 Scottsdale, AZ USA fax 602-443-0659 Aeronaut Industries, phone +61-2-957-3127 AUSTRALIA fax +61-2-954-3049 dc soft GmbH phone +49-89-7858-910 Munich, GERMANY fax +49-89-7858-9111 Lemax Company, B.V. phone +31-20-659-8701 Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS fax +31-20-659-8701 QBS Software Ltd, phone +44-81-994-2842 London, UNITED KINGDOM fax +44-81-994-3441 =============================================================================